Sunday, April 22, 2012

Normal Pressure Hydrocephaly(us)

Before my wife and I moved to our little southern town of Arab, Alabama, I had been experiencing some steadily worsening symptoms in my walking.  More and more frequently, I would trip, having caught my right foot on anything from a crack in the sidewalk to a step in an auditorium.

(At the risk of giving away the punch line here, there were other symptoms.  I had developed a problem of urinary incontinence, not frequent, but still bothersome, to say the least.  In addition, going as far back as three or four years, prior to my retirement, I was having difficulty at work in what would normally have been straightforward problem solving.)

Back to the issue at hand, I went out one day for a walk through the golf course that lies behind the condo we rent.  It was early June and already getting warm.  I walked through most of the back nine holes and arrived at the club house.  I felt I needed some hydration and, as it turns out, the club house is near the local Wal-Mart.  I stopped in the store to get some water and headed out down the four lane divided highway that would take me back to my street.
After about a quarter mile going down the breakdown lane, I started having trouble walking.  It was not so much the gait problem to which I was accustomed, but a sense that my upper body was moving ahead of my legs.  

Suddenly, I was lying on the ground surrounded by three Good Samaritans who had stopped when they saw me on the ground.  They called for an ambulance which took me to the nearest emergency room at Marshall County Medical Center in Guntersville, Alabama.
Once the doctor discovered that I had been having this gait problem, he asked two other key questions that no other physician had asked:

  1. Have you had any incontinence problems?
  2. Have you had any indication of early dementia?

In addition to being floored at the relevance (to us) of the questions, we learned that I might have a condition called Normal Pressure Hydrocephaly.  It results when the brain fails to drain cerebral spinal fluid from cavities called ventricles.

The doctor ordered a CAT scan of my brain and suggested I see a neurologist.

To make a long story short, I was positively diagnosed with the condition and referred to a neurosurgeon who recommended that I have a kind of surgery called a shunt placement.  The shunt drains the spinal fluid into you abdominal cavity where it is absorbed by other organs.  When I resisted a quick decision, he simply asked if I want to pee on myself for the rest of my life.  Decision made.

Post surgery, relief of all symptoms was practically immediate.

Why do I bother the internet with these experiences?  This condition is not diagnosed as frequently as it occurs.  Sometimes it is diagnosed as early onset dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.  Sometimes (as in my case) the suggestions were that I pay more attention to my walking and my cognitive tasks.

Because of this triad of symptoms, it is frequently misdiagnosed as other conditions.  So I write this as a kind of public service announcement regarding a condition that may affect many individuals and for which there is a relatively painless remedy.

Sometimes physicians diagnose what they are accustomed to treating.  I had four physicians (internist, orthopedic surgeon, psychiatrist, urologist) to whom I had described what I thought was the relevant symptom.  They diagnosed based on the one symptom and passed it off as something else entirely.

So, be attentive to your body as you age.  And if you see a physician, make sure you describe all symptoms whether or not you think they are relevant.  If you are worried about one or more in particular (both my wife and I worried about dementia but neither articulated the extent of our worry), your solution may exist and may dispel your fears.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What's In a Name?

We humans seem to have the need to name things.

In the second creation account in Genesis, the man (Adam) is asked by God to give names to all of the animals.

Some of us dither for 9 months over the name of an expected baby.  Even worse, I've had friends who obsess over what their grandchild will call them!

Most of us recognize the Shakespearean line "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet", concluding Juliet's soliloquy that begins "Romeo...wherefore art thou Romeo."

At our wedding, some seventeen years ago, a little toddler niece went around to everyone asking "What yo name?".  It was so important to her that she knew everyone's name.

There was a time when a name was more than the current fad or the cute (or manly) sounding name.  Names had meanings.  You can search the internet for the derivation and meaning of your name.  Throughout the Bible, you will find references to names and their meanings.  St. Peter had his name changed from Simon.  "Petra"--Latin for rock.  God changes Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah as part of the first covenant God made with his people.  Perhaps the most dramatic name change came when Saul experienced his encounter with God and was named Paul thereafter.  

In my case, my mother, a lifelong devout Catholic, and father decided that I should be named after each of my grandfathers:  James and Philip.  Not coincidentally, those happen to be the names of two of Jesus' apostles.  James is a derivative of Jacob, as in Esau and Jacob.  Jacob means "supplanter"; Jacob supplanted Esau in obtaining his birthright.  Philip is from the Greek and means lover of horses.  I think neither the Jacob and Esau story nor the meaning of Philip played much of a role in the choice.  I was the firstborn.  I never was much of a horseman.  

Sometimes we do our children a disservice by using a middle name as a primary appellation.  I named my first child Margaret Claire but we always intended to call her Claire.  So she spent a lifetime having to respond to Margaret and explaining that she goes by Claire.  Think of all the forms we fill in that ask only for a middle initial.  For all intents and purposes, in that circumstance, the middle albeit primary name disappears.

Wouldn't things get interesting if we named our children based upon the dreams we have for them, based on the meaning of the name?